Ok. Initially I was going to write a post about the use to brainwashing tactics used by believers (seeing that it’s my expertise & interest). But when I mean ‘believers’, what I am really referring to are christian believers, christian preachers, pastors, or anyone whose goal when talking to you is to spread their version of the word of the judeo-christian god to you (the non-believer, the freethinker, the Buddhist, the atheist, the Muslim, the agnostic etc). However, seeing that it was market day at UQ today and I’ve been handing out fliers to everyone at uni today, I thought it would be nice to show you what I wrote on the flier. It was nice because the president herself personally asked me to make this flier, which she was very impressed. So I guess I’ll write the post about brainwashing tactics next time.
The flier was basically a series of counter-arguments to counter accusations made by christian believers. These are very common christian claims and are popularly used in church groups & debates. Frankly, we freethinkers are so tired of these arguments as we refute them and show believers how it’s an invalid argument & unsupported claim, yet they still use it again. I hope that when you read this that:
1. As a believer, you stop using these arguments. Hopefully, it will enlighten you to think critically about your belief, and really question the motives & reliability of your pastor/christian preacher (who is clearly diverting you from an enlightened and virtuous path, by convincing you with false misinformation & irrational arguments).
2. As a non-believer or freethinker, I hope you learn these counter-arguments and use them as ammunition if you happen to engage in a discussion with believers using these arguments to convert you. I think everyone needs to learn and understand these arguments and stay informed, so they are not influenced and brainwashed by these tactics christian preachers use to try to convert you (I’ll talk more about the actual ‘coercive persuasion methodologies’ next time).
Oh yeah, the pictures weren’t in the actual flier. I added them in for this blog, because I promised you all I’ll have some pictures. If anyone wants me to explain the counter-arguments more please don’t hesitate to msg me or leave a comment (because the flier was designed to be short). Or if you have come across christian arguments that you want me to refute, you can send them over also.
Your motivation for supporting a separation of religion and state is to make Secular Humanism the default public religion.
Religion (n.): Belief in the reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator or governor of the universe. Secular Humanism is a belief system that does not (and discourages) belief in the supernatural. Simply put, secular humanism is the absence of religion & the supernatural.
A separation of religion and state amounts outlawing religion.
No it does not. People have a freedom to believe whatever they choose to believe, atheists/freethinkers strongly respect that. Separation of religion & state prohibits religion (any particular religion) to be involved in public affairs such as the government and policy making (i.e. health, education, legal system), it does not outlaw religion altogether. To raise consciousness, how would you feel if a religious doctrine that you do not believe was involved in the government & all aspects of policy making? Believers and non-believers alike surely don’t want this, yet believers are so keen to impose their religious doctrine on society. Separation of religion & state ensures nobody (believers, atheists, and agnostics) has a particular religious doctrine imposed on them; it maintains the un-biased position of respecting all beliefs by restricting preference of a particular one.
Your belief system is as reliant on faith as religion is. Upholding the value of science and reason is a faith position.
Atheism (unlike religion) is not a doctrine, with no god/supernatural power to which to claim existence. As atheists do not believe in the existence of a deity, calling atheism a faith based position is like saying adults have faith in believing the non-existence of Santa Clause (you cannot have faith in nothing). The claim that it takes the same (or more) amount of faith to be an atheist than it is to be a theist is false (another misconception spread by theists to make atheism look like religion). For example, does it take more faith (or any faith at all) to disbelieve the claims of Zeus it does to believe him? Of course not. Atheism is not making the claim of certain existence of something, hence it requires no faith to disbelieve god (while it requires faith to believe in him).
Belief systems of freethinkers & atheists rely on logic (i.e. Ockham’s razor) and evidence (i.e. evolution), not on unwavering hope & subjective feeling. The fundamental principle of science is that belief must be based on evidence. Suppose there is controversy over what killed the dinosaurs, one scientist believes it was an asteroid because he has faith in it, another believes it was germs because it’s his tradition to believe in it, and another believes it was aliens as it was privately revealed to him & it makes him feel better; it would be absurd if such a thing happened in science, so why is this not the same for religion?
Atheism (unlike religion) is not a doctrine, with no god/supernatural power to which to claim existence. As atheists do not believe in the existence of a deity, calling atheism a faith based position is like saying adults have faith in believing the non-existence of Santa Clause (you cannot have faith in nothing). The claim that it takes the same (or more) amount of faith to be an atheist than it is to be a theist is false (another misconception spread by theists to make atheism look like religion). For example, does it take more faith (or any faith at all) to disbelieve the claims of Zeus it does to believe him? Of course not. Atheism is not making the claim of certain existence of something, hence it requires no faith to disbelieve god (while it requires faith to believe in him).
Belief systems of freethinkers & atheists rely on logic (i.e. Ockham’s razor) and evidence (i.e. evolution), not on unwavering hope & subjective feeling. The fundamental principle of science is that belief must be based on evidence. Suppose there is controversy over what killed the dinosaurs, one scientist believes it was an asteroid because he has faith in it, another believes it was germs because it’s his tradition to believe in it, and another believes it was aliens as it was privately revealed to him & it makes him feel better; it would be absurd if such a thing happened in science, so why is this not the same for religion?
Everything in the universe is designed (The Argument of Design/Intelligent Design). Take a stopwatch for example, each interacting part of a stopwatch must exist for the entire thing to function, if one minuscule piece is missing the entire stopwatch ceases to function (irreductible complexity). Hence, all parts must exist simultaneously for something to exist; a gradual process like evolution cannot achieve this. There must be a designer for this to happen and this designer is god.
It’s a horrible argument & analogy for 3 reasons. First, all examples for this argument are man-made (i.e. watch, door, bicycle). Hence, you know there is a designer because you can find out the human or machine that designed/constructed the object. Second, the examples used in the argument cannot reproduce. Reproduction & death are fundamental for evolution to occur. If they’re absent, information do not get passed on and evolution cannot occur. Third, there is no evidence of irreductible complexity, all claims made by intelligent design advocates (i.e. the eye, flagella, blood clotting cascade) were scientifically tested and proven to be false [www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVRsWAjvQSg & http://richarddawkins.net/firstChapter,7].
It’s a horrible argument & analogy for 3 reasons. First, all examples for this argument are man-made (i.e. watch, door, bicycle). Hence, you know there is a designer because you can find out the human or machine that designed/constructed the object. Second, the examples used in the argument cannot reproduce. Reproduction & death are fundamental for evolution to occur. If they’re absent, information do not get passed on and evolution cannot occur. Third, there is no evidence of irreductible complexity, all claims made by intelligent design advocates (i.e. the eye, flagella, blood clotting cascade) were scientifically tested and proven to be false [www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVRsWAjvQSg & http://richarddawkins.net/firstChapter,7].
...all man-made inventions can't.
‘Medical miracles’ (i.e. waking up from a 30 year coma, or after being clinically dead for 3 mins) or ‘miracles’ in general (i.e. surviving a horrific accident without a scratch) is proof of god’s existence.
Pascals Wager shows it’s a more rational choice to believe in god given the possible consequences (relative to non-belief) if god exists or not.
Pascals wager is an invalid argument for 3 reasons. First, it blindly assumes the religion under observation is the true & only religion (the particular religion the person making the argument believes in). Second, Pascals Wager can be used for other religions and justify belief in it, even one that is made-up. Hence, since all religions claim they’re the true one & they all have equal chance of being true, picking any particular belief will inevitably result in an unfavorable outcome (by the logic of Pascals Wager). Third, forcing yourself to believe a particular religion because all other options have unfavorable outcomes is a logical fallacy (argumentum ad metum). Belief should be based on evidence & proof, not whether the alternative is unpleasant.
Pascals wager is an invalid argument for 3 reasons. First, it blindly assumes the religion under observation is the true & only religion (the particular religion the person making the argument believes in). Second, Pascals Wager can be used for other religions and justify belief in it, even one that is made-up. Hence, since all religions claim they’re the true one & they all have equal chance of being true, picking any particular belief will inevitably result in an unfavorable outcome (by the logic of Pascals Wager). Third, forcing yourself to believe a particular religion because all other options have unfavorable outcomes is a logical fallacy (argumentum ad metum). Belief should be based on evidence & proof, not whether the alternative is unpleasant.
‘Medical miracles’ (i.e. waking up from a 30 year coma, or after being clinically dead for 3 mins) or ‘miracles’ in general (i.e. surviving a horrific accident without a scratch) is proof of god’s existence.
What do you call when a perfectly healthy person suddenly drops dead? Is it proof of god’s non-existence? Surely not. But why believe in the former and not the latter when both arguments are of equal value? Because whatever happens, happens. Life has an element of chance, which means unbelievable things do happen even if they seem impossible. It’s a common cognitive bias (apophenia or type 1 error), something that is imposed on reality. It really makes you wonder (given all these assumed miracles today) why there is never a regrowing of a severed limb, it is always something that would have gotten better anyway.
When in doubt of your faith, God is testing you, so keep having faith.
First, God is claimed by Christians to be omniscient (all-knowing). Second, to ‘test’ is to find out because you do not know (i.e. like how scientists find out something by doing an experiment). Notice the internally inconsistent argument here. This mentality is dangerous as it constructs a belief system whereby no amount of evidence or argument can convince you otherwise, rendering you immune to change your opinions (if they’re wrong). What would you say if scientists and doctors stuck to their beliefs or diagnoses given that there is contradicting evidence, or no evidence at all?
First, God is claimed by Christians to be omniscient (all-knowing). Second, to ‘test’ is to find out because you do not know (i.e. like how scientists find out something by doing an experiment). Notice the internally inconsistent argument here. This mentality is dangerous as it constructs a belief system whereby no amount of evidence or argument can convince you otherwise, rendering you immune to change your opinions (if they’re wrong). What would you say if scientists and doctors stuck to their beliefs or diagnoses given that there is contradicting evidence, or no evidence at all?
Religion adds a value and inspiration to believer's lives which Atheism/ Agnosticism can not compete with.
There is no evidence to support this claim. An equally convincing counter-argument is that “atheism adds more value to atheist’s lives which religion can not compete with”. There’s absolutely no reason to believe in the former but not the latter. The argument of utility (“because religion is useful & benefits the world, it is therefore true”) is a common argument by believers. It is also a logical fallacy because it makes the assertion that the more useful a belief is, the truer it is. To raise consciousness, consider the following: a religious doctrine was fabricated that is more useful & helpful than all current religious doctrines (i.e. no absolute laws, encourages education in mathematics & science), does that mean it is truer belief than all current religions?
There is no evidence to support this claim. An equally convincing counter-argument is that “atheism adds more value to atheist’s lives which religion can not compete with”. There’s absolutely no reason to believe in the former but not the latter. The argument of utility (“because religion is useful & benefits the world, it is therefore true”) is a common argument by believers. It is also a logical fallacy because it makes the assertion that the more useful a belief is, the truer it is. To raise consciousness, consider the following: a religious doctrine was fabricated that is more useful & helpful than all current religious doctrines (i.e. no absolute laws, encourages education in mathematics & science), does that mean it is truer belief than all current religions?
Sure you can be moral without religion but your moral code comes from religion whether you like it or not. We live in a Christian society after all.
The usefulness of moral codes (i.e. don’t kill, don’t steal) is meaningless given the complexity of society today. To show that moral codes are not religious by nature, consider eastern atheist religions (i.e. Buddhism, Taoism) that developed independent of and before monotheistic religions like Christianity, which have the same moral codes as western religion (if not better). It is a common misconception that Christian societies are more prosperous than secular ones; while there is no evidence of this, sadly it’s still cited as truth by advocates of Christianity. There is however a literature of evidence showing religious societies as more corrupt [Paul (2005). Journal of Religion & Society, 7, pp.1-17], less safe, and less intelligent than secular ones (i.e. Norway, Japan); with higher divorce rates.
How do you deal with death without a belief in the afterlife?
Atheists & freethinkers accept that there is no afterlife after death. Hence, they cherish life more than believers because they acknowledge that once they die, that’s it. By not making this life’s purpose solely for the next life, we cherish the here and now more as we only get one chance to live. Atheists & freethinkers do not live with fear of hell. This is one of the hardest things for believers to shake and one of the best rewards. Believers fear hell and love heaven as a result. Eternal life (while it seems nice for the first million years) destroys the significance to live on. There will be no pleasure in hoping, cherishing, learning, purpose etc; it renders life in the afterlife meaningless (and worst part is you cannot die). To shake the idea of hell one must let go of the false hope of heaven.
You reject religious moral codes because you want to indulge in a hedonistic lifestyle.
First, the assumption that atheists in general like to indulge in (let alone live) hedonistic lifestyles is false. This misconception is an attempt to demean atheists as immoral people. Atheists are moral people too; in actuality, our sense of morality is innate (evolutionary) and therefore not religious. A non-religious moral upbringing is more beneficial to society as it allows room for improvement (not trapped in tradition formed by the moral zeitgeist back then, which is considered very immoral now). If one wishes to use the moral code of the bible to form their morality, one must not exclusively observe what they already believe as morally good, but the entire bible altogether (i.e. Matt. 5:17, Deu. 13:6-10, Deu. 22:13:21).
Belief systems of freethinkers & atheists rely on logic (i.e. Ockham’s razor) and evidence (i.e. evolution), not on unwavering hope & subjective feeling. The fundamental principle of science is that belief must be based on evidence. Suppose there is controversy over what killed the dinosaurs, one scientist believes it was an asteroid because he has faith in it, another believes it was germs because it’s his tradition to believe in it, and another believes it was aliens as it was privately revealed to him & it makes him feel better. Alternatively, what if doctors believed they have the right diagnosis because they believe in themselves and have faith that it’s the truth? It would be absurd if such things happened in science/medicine/or any other occupation that requires belief, so why is this not the same for religion?
The usefulness of moral codes (i.e. don’t kill, don’t steal) is meaningless given the complexity of society today. To show that moral codes are not religious by nature, consider eastern atheist religions (i.e. Buddhism, Taoism) that developed independent of and before monotheistic religions like Christianity, which have the same moral codes as western religion (if not better). It is a common misconception that Christian societies are more prosperous than secular ones; while there is no evidence of this, sadly it’s still cited as truth by advocates of Christianity. There is however a literature of evidence showing religious societies as more corrupt [Paul (2005). Journal of Religion & Society, 7, pp.1-17], less safe, and less intelligent than secular ones (i.e. Norway, Japan); with higher divorce rates.
How do you deal with death without a belief in the afterlife?
Atheists & freethinkers accept that there is no afterlife after death. Hence, they cherish life more than believers because they acknowledge that once they die, that’s it. By not making this life’s purpose solely for the next life, we cherish the here and now more as we only get one chance to live. Atheists & freethinkers do not live with fear of hell. This is one of the hardest things for believers to shake and one of the best rewards. Believers fear hell and love heaven as a result. Eternal life (while it seems nice for the first million years) destroys the significance to live on. There will be no pleasure in hoping, cherishing, learning, purpose etc; it renders life in the afterlife meaningless (and worst part is you cannot die). To shake the idea of hell one must let go of the false hope of heaven.
You reject religious moral codes because you want to indulge in a hedonistic lifestyle.
First, the assumption that atheists in general like to indulge in (let alone live) hedonistic lifestyles is false. This misconception is an attempt to demean atheists as immoral people. Atheists are moral people too; in actuality, our sense of morality is innate (evolutionary) and therefore not religious. A non-religious moral upbringing is more beneficial to society as it allows room for improvement (not trapped in tradition formed by the moral zeitgeist back then, which is considered very immoral now). If one wishes to use the moral code of the bible to form their morality, one must not exclusively observe what they already believe as morally good, but the entire bible altogether (i.e. Matt. 5:17, Deu. 13:6-10, Deu. 22:13:21).
Belief systems of freethinkers & atheists rely on logic (i.e. Ockham’s razor) and evidence (i.e. evolution), not on unwavering hope & subjective feeling. The fundamental principle of science is that belief must be based on evidence. Suppose there is controversy over what killed the dinosaurs, one scientist believes it was an asteroid because he has faith in it, another believes it was germs because it’s his tradition to believe in it, and another believes it was aliens as it was privately revealed to him & it makes him feel better. Alternatively, what if doctors believed they have the right diagnosis because they believe in themselves and have faith that it’s the truth? It would be absurd if such things happened in science/medicine/or any other occupation that requires belief, so why is this not the same for religion?
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